The Barefoot Cellist

My Photo
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

After taking a few years off, I'm back in seminary here in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, at United Theological Seminary. What a wonderful place to be! Surrounded by friends old and new, I'm exploring my call to Unitarian Universalist ministry with friends, classmates, and the world around me. I am watching for the spring and feeling it unfold within myself.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Watch 2009 Post I

Spring comes late in Minneapolis.

I have been waiting for spring for a long time. Minneapolis will one day be green and fragrant once again. I'm seeking for signs of the renewed warmth, growth, life, and beauty around me. May I also find these things emerging within myself, as well.

Today as I look out my window:

It is warm and sunny.
The lilac bush in front of my house is starting to bud, as is a tree across the street.
The tree in front of my house remains bare.
My neighbors spent last evening sitting on their porch.
The seasonal soft serve shop on Franklin is open. We got a banana split last night.
The grass has yet to come to life.
The snow melted weeks ago.
